Clincal Report: Is Penis Enlargement Possible?
One way to enlarge your penis is to remove fat from the fleshy part of your body and inject it into your penis.
However, the results can be disappointing because some of the injected fat can be absorbed by the body.
Another technique for increasing the width is tissue grafting on the penile shaft.
None of these procedures have been proven to be safe or effective and can even affect your potency and ability to get an erection.
It can also lead to scarring, which can lead to deformation of the penis.
A common form of penis enlargement surgery is getting body fat and injecting a small amount into your penis.
Some men have cut the connective tissue in the upper part of the penis, which does not enlarge the penis, but still protrudes from the body.
Surgical Procedures
The most common surgical procedure for penis enlargement is the cutting of the suspension strap, which secures the penis to the pubic bone and moves the skin from the abdomen to the penis shaft.
After cutting this strip, the penis appears longer because it hangs more.
However, cutting the suspension ligament can cause the erect penis to become unstable.
As a result of this social pressure, men are increasingly examining the size of their packages.
One of them is the extension procedure, in which the suspension band (i.e., the structure that anchors the penis in the pubic bone) is cut off, allowing more of the penis to be hung out of the body.
As you can see, you need to know the knives and needles around the penis to perform any penis enlargement.
Surgical improvement of the penis, called phalloplasty, in a very effective, but also expensive and dangerous procedure, which should be considered as a last resort for men with a very small penis or micropenis (less than 5 cm).
In addition to the overall risk of any surgery, such as anesthesia complications, bleeding problems during surgery, post-surgery blood clots (stroke or thrombosis) and infections, the result is difficult to predict.
The gain is about 1 inch. The main risk is permanent erectile dysfunction or down erection because the ligament is to keep the penis in place during an erection.
It is also a relatively new procedure, the Penuma silicone implant, which is applied to a small incision above this penis and, according to the manufacturer, helps to increase the length and circumference.
Pumping Devices
Just a few minutes after using the pump, the penis shrinks to normal size, without any lasting or lasting effect.
They can cause an eruption of capillaries in your penis, causing blisters or even abnormal circulation, which can lead to impotence with prolonged use.
There is also evidence that penile pumps can cause Peyronie’s disease, incorrect bending of the penis during erection.
Traction Devices
Traction devices are designed to increase the length of the penis by stretching the penis tissue.
A person places a weight or a small enlarged frame on a flabby penis to gently stretch it.
Results from penis traction therapy show the impact of traction devices with different results.
Pumps are promoted as a simple and effective way to increase penis growth and get a larger penis with regular penis training.
Unfortunately, all these claims are not true, penis enlargement pumps do not work, and worse, they pose a great risk to your health.
The vacuum created in the penis pump during use causes faster blood flow, which causes a temporary increase or erection.
Vacuum pumps for the penis are used to treat erectile dysfunction because they can help improve erectile dysfunction.
They create a vacuum that then draws blood into the penis.
Because of this, sometimes they are also sold to increase the size of the penis.
The disadvantage is that they can only enlarge the penis for a short time after use.
The resulting vacuum draws extra blood into your penis, making it vertical and slightly larger.
Penile pumps have a real medical advantage: they help men with erectile dysfunction.
However, the pump has no lasting effect on the size of your penis.
The idea of these exercises is that repeated rubbing of the penis can increase blood flow, which was considered a possible way of penis enlargement.
A special technique called jelqing is penis massage as if it was milked to increase blood flow.
There is no physical activity, including one that has been shown to increase penis size.
Manual Exercises
Stretching and Jelqing include both penis exercises where you use your hands only to naturally enlarge your penis.
Jelqing is similar to stretching, because it performs similar actions to milking a cow to squeeze blood into the penis and slowly dilate the blood holding parts.
However, medical sites such as the Mayo Clinic say stretching and jelqing are at least safe in practice.
Especially on sexual and bodybuilding health forums, men say exercise increases body size.
Penis enlargement procedures are used to increase the size of the cavernous cylinders of the penis or to stimulate blood flow to increase hardness.
Penis enlargement or strengthening a man is any technique that aims to increase the size of a human penis.
Techniques include surgery, supplements, ointments, patches and physical methods such as pumping, jelqing and adhesion.