Virology Highlights Blog 

Evolution of  virus movement proteins from the 30K superfamily and of their homologs integrated in plant genomes Read the full article on ScienceDirect This project started as a bioinformatic study of the enigmatic 30K superfamily of plant virus movement proteins (MP). This protein superfamily is widespread in viruses with different kinds of genomes.

Everything you needto know about Virology

Virology has been THE journal for virologists since 1955 (we celebrated Virology’s 60th anniversary by publishing a special Diamond Anniversary edition). Our mission is to publish the results of basic research in all branches of virology. We publish papers on virus replication, pathogenesis, immunity, structure, evolution, interactions with host biology.

Did you know that Virology has an Open Archive? All articles are free access after 12 months, and all special issues and review articles are immediate free access.

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We hope that you enjoy visiting our Virology Highlights blog. Here you can read about the best Virology research, with immediate free access to the corresponding original article on ScienceDirect. The highlighted research on this blog is selected by the editors of Virology from among the papers published each month. Each blog post is written by researchers, who tell you more about their work. Here you can read more about Virology Highlights.

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Virology Highlights: Read about the best research on Virology’s blog, with free access to the articles on ScienceDirect.
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